The ESA CryoSat satellite was the first European polar mission specifically designed to address the issue in measuring changes in the thickness of sea ice and elevation of the ice sheets and mountain glaciers.
isardSAT has participated in several projects related to the CryoSat mission: evaluating the performances of different retracking algorithms (CryoVal Land Ice), validating L2-swath measurements (CryoTop), validating DEM products (CryoTop Evolution), and developing swath processing algorithms (CryoSat+ Mountain Glaciers).
To respond to the demand of specific climate-related applications, ESA developed the CryoSat Thematic Products (Cryo-TEMPO) aiming at maximising the use of CryoSat for thematic applications. These products are user-friendly, simple and reflect the most recent scientific outcomes.
Within this framework, the Cryo-TEMPO Swath Land Ice project aims to consolidate the research and development done during the CryoTop and CryoTop Evolution projects into two operational products to study Arctic, Antarctic and mountain glaciers: thematic point products and thematic gridded products.
isardSAT will be in charge of the swath processing verification and product validation.
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