Sea ice waves in marginal ice zones. Source: Ocean Virtual Laboratory (ESA, OceanDataLab). Copernicus Sentinel data 2022
The SARWAVE project aims at developing new L2 ocean wave-related products from Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath (IWS) TOPS (Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans) observations. A new sea state processor will be designed to generate datasets over open ocean, sea ice, and coastal areas.
Synergies of such new products with other EO data are investigated, including other SAR products from Sentinel-1, optical data and data from SAR altimeters. In this last case, the data will be processed using novel Fully-Focussed SAR techniques to retrieve ocean swell.
The SARWAVE project carries out specific investigations on the propagation of waves into Arctic Sea ice and resulting ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions; the assimilation of wave-information into coastal wave-models, and multi-sensor studies in the Mediterranean and related to tropical cyclones.
isardSAT is in charge of the project management and outreach, and participates in the algorithm development and validation for the Altimetry Fully Focussed SAR.
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